Research and homoeopathy


Research is defined as searching and gathering information to answer a particular question or problem . it has four part

  1. observation - All researches start with an observation, when we observe that something is happened repeatedly, we start doing experiment on that observation, how it happened? ( for e.g  - we observe a particular homoeopathic medicine  cure a particular disease)
  2. hypothesis - we make a hypothesis about the observed action ( for e.g. –a particular  homoepathic medicine is efficient to cure particular disease)
  3. experiment - Experiment gives evidence about the observation, evidence proves that observation is right or wrong and if it is right we establish the hypothesis as a fact.research studies have various types of methods for  collection and analysis of data. the most important methods are control studies, cohort studies and animal research.
  4. establishing it as a fact


In case of homoeopathy, we are still at the place that homoeopathy acts or not. very often researches comes that says “homoeopathy is bunk – a study “, ” homeopathy is no more than placebo ”

After a long time of existence of homoeopathy, thousands of cured cases by various homoeopathic doctors itself shows that it acts but the problem again. What is the evidence?

For finding the evidence, we start doing experiment on the same plane as for modern medicine or so called evidence based medicine.

we select the group of sufferer ( like hay fever, asthma, tuberculosis, eczema, cholera etc.) and start giving the homeopathic medicine to them and also placebo to another group of suffer of same disease. on collecting result we find unsatisfactory result on behalf of homoeopathic medicine and conclude that homoeopathic is no more than placebo.

if we repeat the  experiment on other disease group, we will find, same negative result for homoeopathic medicinal efficacy.

so what’s the lacuna 

Selection of homoeopathic medicine based on person to person manifestation of disease that is called its individuality—- in a lay man look, particular disease have same manifestation in every patient but if you watch properly, symptoms presented by every patient are different  for the same grade of suffering, that is due to individuality of the sufferer. these person to person, differentiation of symptoms  are actually the criteria for selecting the homoeopathic medicine.  That’s why the  homoeopathic medicine will be different for the same disease in selected group of sufferer.

Homoeopathy acts, it’s like a fact.

so what to do 

the experiment process to justify it, should be little different for establishing the evidence for this fact.

  • Experiment should not be pointed towards the medicine; it should be pointed towards disease that how much homoeopathy is effective in particular disease?  no matter how many different medicine are given to different person in a selected group of sufferer with same disease. ( In scientific investigation for checking homoeopathic efficacy, investigator give same medicine to every sufferer of selected group to find out the efficacy of selected homoeopathic medicine on that selected disease)