senile dementia

A condition that affect mind of aging people and causes them to be confused , to forget things is called senile dementia.

It’s normal to forget things from time to time, and it’s normal to become somewhat more forgetful as you age. But how much forgetfulness is too much? How can you tell whether your memory lapses are within the scope of normal aging or are a symptom of something more serious?

Five normal memory problems common to old age

1. Transience

This is the tendency to forget facts or events over time. You are most likely to forget information soon after you learn it.

2. Absentmindedness

This type of forgetting occurs when you don’t pay close enough attention.Absentmindedness also involves forgetting to do something at a prescribed time, like taking your medicine or keeping an appointment.

3. Blocking

Someone asks you a question and the answer is right on the tip of your tongue — you know that you know it, but you just can’t think of it. memory blocks become more common with age and that they account for the trouble older people have remembering other people’s names.

4. Misattribution

Misattribution occurs when you remember something accurately in part, but misattribute some detail, like the time, place, or person involved. Another kind of misattribution occurs when you believe a thought you had was totally original when, in fact, it came from something you had previously read or heard but had forgotten about.

As with several other kinds of memory lapses, misattribution becomes more common with age.

5. Persistence

In some cases people are tormented by memories they wish they could forget, but can’t. The persistence of memories of traumatic events, negative feelings, and ongoing fears is another form of memory problem. Some of these memories accurately reflect horrifying events, while others may be negative distortions of reality.


homeopathic medicine should be taken in all types of memory problem 


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